Assistant professor of art at Illinois State University, you have also taught and served as visiting artist at a number of institutions, including the University of Illinois, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and Williams. Your own work has been exhibited in Chicago, New York, Paris, Cologne, and Zurich and held in such collections as the Pompidou Center and the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego. You are known for sculptures and installations that come alive—Haha’s water garden, a breathing wall, a giant balloon covered in lipstick that participants could bounce around the room leaving soft kisses on the walls. You have a particular genius at breathing subtle but powerful life into minimalist spaces. One reviewer described your wall as a “nothing” that is “oddly full.” You have brought these talents to the collaborative work of Haha, which has delighted and challenged audiences on two continents. And both the Venice Biennale and the Whitney Museum’s Biennial Exhibition have recognized the ability of your work to be profound, or playful, or both.