After Williams and Harvard, and after working with Walter Gropius, you returned to Hong Kong where your work has flowed across artistic and geographic borders. Your TaoHo Design company combines the practice of architecture with urban planning and interior and graphic design, and enhances the landscape of cities from Asia to Gibraltar. Your design of the Hong Kong Arts Centre won the coveted Silver Medal from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, and your work on the Hong Kong Pavilion at EXPO ’86 in Vancouver won international honors. You have even designed the emblem that will become Hong Kong’s Official Seal after July 1, 1997. You helped form the first joint venture private architectural practice in Beijing, which has been commissioned by the Chinese government to redesign the major cities of Xiamen, Qingdao, and Hangzhou. You have taught at Hong Kong’s universities and served on the boards of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Regional Council, and Hong Kong Arts Centre, which you founded along with the Hong Kong Artists Guild. To this list of work can be added your extensive writing and lecturing on architecture, planning, and the arts and on the prospects of Chinese culture in the current age.