Few leaders anywhere combine your depth of faith and commitment to social action. As a dynamic preacher and teacher, you have roused congregations and audiences throughout the United States and in Cuba, China and South Korea. As pastor since 1976 of Memorial Baptist you have led this Harlem congregation in community outreach that has included the development of tenant-owned cooperative housing and the founding of the House of Hope, an apartment residence for single parents and their children. As president and CEO since 1987 of Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, you have led this interdenominational group of 60 congregations as it developed more than 1,100 units of affordable housing and 21 commercial store fronts for local entrepreneurs, while enhancing employment opportunities for local residents in the construction industry. The group has also launched a community computer center for children and adults and supports families and individuals dealing with HIV infection. In addition, you provide leadership to the boards of the Consortium for Central Harlem Development, the Black Leadership Commission on AIDS, and the Boys Choir of Harlem. You have somehow found time to teach courses in urban ministry, homiletics and religious education at The New York Theological Seminary and to write numerous articles and resource books, including two, the titles of which sum up your distinguished career—From Pew to the Pavement: Messages on Urban Outreach and God’s Transforming Spirit: Black Church Renewal.