It would almost seem like magic, if it weren’t for all the hard work, as communities across America once given up as economically lost have now sprung back to new life. This has been the legacy of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, which combines philanthropic dollars, investment capital, and local leadership to aid inner city and rural revitalization. In your 11 years as president and CEO, the corporation has increased its employees from 20 to 500 and its grants, loans, and equity from between $5 and $6 million to $408 million dollars per year. Under your leadership, LISC financing and technical assistance have enabled neighborhood groups to produce more than 70,000 affordable homes and apartments and nearly 10 million square feet of commercial and industrial space in some of the most economically deprived areas of the country. You have raised more than $2 billion from corporations and foundations, developed a legislative strategy that has resulted in, among other legislation, the federal housing acts of 1986 and 1990, and formed in New York City the largest local community-based housing program in the country. This flair for local organization also showed in your earlier work for the City of Boston where you created the Adult Literacy Initiative and The Boston Compact, an internationally recognized partnership between the city’s public schools and its business community.