As co-host of The New York Times’ top news program of 2008, you and Joe Scarborough have fashioned early mornings on MSNBC a format of reporting, commentary, and interviews with a wide following, especially among political leaders. Your early career included a series of programs on local teen pregnancy produced during Winter Study for Willinet. After reporting and anchoring stints in Hartford you jumped to CBS, eventually serving as anchor of “The CBS Evening News Weekend Edition” and a frequent contributor to “CBS Sunday Morning” and “60 Minutes.” September 11 found you the network’s main “Ground Zero” reporter, broadcasting live as the South Tower collapsed. Now, on the program that should be called “Morning Mika” but for some reason is called “Morning Joe” you have become known for your quick intelligence and iconoclasm. You once even refused, on a day marked with developments in the Iraq War, to lead a newscast with yet another item about Paris Hilton. When your producer persisted, you tried live on the air to burn the script and later to shred it, in a triumphant blow for the self-esteem of television reporters everywhere that became one of the biggest YouTube hits that side of Susan Boyle. In recognition of your distinguished achievement in broadcast journalism, Williams College is proud to honor you with its Bicentennial Medal.