Marisa Reddy Randazzo focuses on understanding and preventing violent behavior. Until recently, she served as chief research psychologist and research coordinator at the U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center. She directed all research on assessing threats of all kinds of violence, including assassinations, stalkings, school shootings, workplace shootings, and terrorism. She also translated research findings into training units for law enforcers and regularly led training sessions for local, state, and federal law enforcers, for agencies in the U.S. intelligence community, and for school and corporate security officials. She briefed members of Congress, the Cabinet, and the White House. Her work is credited with preventing an uncountable number of violent attacks through early detection of homicidal and suicidal tendencies. Randazzo, who now works in private practice, graduated from Williams in 1989 and earned a Ph.D. in psychology at Princeton.