Bicentennial Medal
Established in 1993 on the occasion of the college’s 200th anniversary, Bicentennial Medals honor members of the Williams community for distinguished achievement in any field of endeavor. The college awarded 23 Bicentennial Medals in 1993 and has added five to seven in each year since.
Rogerson Cup Award
The College’s highest award for alumni service. Given by the family and friends of Jimmy Rogerson, Class of 1892, the Rogerson Cup symbolizes outstanding loyalty, achievement, and service in the name of Williams.
Joseph’s Coat Award
Bestowed annually upon a member of a post-50th Reunion class who is held in high esteem by Williams and fellow alumni. Inspired by an eye-catching specimen worn by alumni secretary Charles B. Hall ’15 and first presented in 1952, the coat is the loudest, liveliest, flashiest available, in reference to the biblical Coat of Many Colors.
Thurston Bowl
For distinguished service as class secretary. This award was donated by the family and friends of Ted Thurston, Class of 1912, who wrote Class Notes for 65 years. During that time, Ted missed only one deadline—and only because he forgot to send his completed notes to the magazine.
Frederick C. Copeland Award
Honors an outstanding member of the dedicated corps of alumni who help bring together prospective students and Williams College. This award is named for the great Fred Copeland, a member of the Class of 1935 who served as a professor of biology and for 31 years as a ground-breaking dean of admission during eras of significant change in the makeup of the student body, including the advent of co-education.
Kellogg Award
Presented to a Williams graduate in recognition of a most distinguished career. This award is named for James C. Kellogg ’37, who made his mark in financial circles and became chairman of the New York Stock Exchange in 1956.
Ephraim Williams Medal
The Ephraim Williams Medal—awarded to a non-Williams graduate who’s demonstrated exceptional service and loyalty—commemorates the most important non-alumnus in the college’s history, its founder.